Sunday 29 December 2013

DARKNESS-battle of akid

After the sun has decided to sleep,
You have spread your kingdom so feary,
With this a terror has made a peep,
That has made my life so teary.

Mother has pictured you as a ghost,
And warned me not to scream,to escape,
So in sleep,I tried hard to get lost,
But in fear of you,sleep did escape.

Over bed I was left helpless,
Searching a weapon to kill you,
And determined to battle being weaponless,
Though has no confidence  to  defeat you.

Screaming of dogs outside adds some tense,
Reminding me mother’s story of ghost,
That gives an evidence to your presence,
And fills me with fear of lost.

I fear for cuddles to take,
Hoping you can’t trace me,
Oh demon! Would you please mind go back,
And return when my mother is around me.

In your reputation isn’t it a blame,
To fight with a little kid full of innocence,
Won’t you feel some shame,
For showing bravery to my loneliness,

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